Thursday 12 July 2012


These are only opinions.

What is Life?

At school we are all taught some form of the seven characteristics of life.
I was taught with an acronym MRS. NERG.
(There is another more complex set. If you know it, please humbly follow along with those)

Movement, Respiration, Sensitivity, Nutrition, Excretion, Reproduction and Growth.

Science reduces all of these characteristics into factors that apply only to life on earth.

What is evoloution?

Evolution can be said to be a process that creates increasing complexity from a decreasingly chaotic environment.

The universe is the ultimate chaotic environment.  In order to create order from this chaos it would be necessary to  create separation.  Take any chaotic system.  Set up a boundary inside that system sectioning of a smaller self-contained system.  When separated from the surrounding chaos an oasis is created.

Inside this oasis stabilisation is now allowed to occur.  Think of a chaotic zombie filled earth.  And a secure walled off compound for humans to live.  Or a chaos of neutrons, protons and electrons.  And then wall them off with the electrons so there is now stability.

Or a sea of biological components.  Swimming in a primordial soup.  And a membrane forming to protect a select few within to, against the destructive chaos on the without.  You now have a cell.

Within these cells the combined components and all their energies now also have an opportunity to stabilise.  Now that they can stabilise they are able to reserve energy that would usullaly be used to survive the seas of chaos.

As we all know energy cannot be destroyed.  This means this latent energy can then be used, in some cases, to prosper, now they are not being used for survival. This latent prosperous energy is used to create constructive complexity within the cell.  Over time some of this complexity becomes advantageous. The cell learns communicate with its chaotic environment in inventive ways.

Why Communicate with a Chaotic Environment?

Now the cell has its boundary it needs to be able to become sensitive to and communicative with the chaotic environment.  Why?  Because its environment may contain nutrients, opportunities for growth, other cells and is an ideal place to excrete.  

The best way to communicate with the maximum amount of the chaotic environment is of course to move in it.  Communication includes Movement.  An interactive communcation with the environment using a combination of it and the cell.  

This communication includes Respiration and Nutrition. Both forms of taking something from a chaotic environment to use for energy.This communication includes excretion. Consider it verbal diarrhea.

This communication includes Growth. Transferring chaotic pieces without, into the peace within. This communication also includes Reproduction. Communicating with other cells and/or the environment to grow something similar but new to your own cell. 

This communication is simply Sensitivity. Enough Sensitivity to obtain and create all that is needed by communicating with the chaos. 

Through this sensitive communication we have enfolded all of characteristics of life.
Therefore,  the only real characteristic of life is sensitivity through communication.
Communication with those in the community. And more importantly communication with those stuck in the chaotic environment.

What? ....Communication. A Common Unification. How? ...A Community. With Common Unity.

The Meaning of it All?

Does this mean that I'm suggesting we have meaning of life?
Nope I'm just a Mad Man living in a chaotic world trying to communicate what I'm thinking and feeling.
To a global community that has evolved from a chaotic environment.

The future is ours. Now is the time. And Chaos Reigns. Supreme.

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